
Practice in studio & online

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—  V I N Y A S A S T R O N G  —
For those who have an inverted curiosity! Each week is a set sequence, designed to awaken the body for handstand practice and play. If you’re keen on strength and alignment drills that ignite curiosity, this class is perfect for you.
T H U R S D A Y @ 4:30 pm

—  V I N Y A S A  —
For any type of practitioner who is looking for a flow based class that focuses on enhancing breath to body awareness. Modifications are offered.
F R I D A Y @ 9:30 am

For those who have an established practice and wish to learn how to implement unique strength and creativity based transitions into their every day practice
S A T U R D A Y @ 8:00 am

T U L A D H A R A (Lakewood)

—  F L O W & R E S T O R E  —
Equal part vinyasa and restorative, this class is celebration of the subtle body. If you’re keen on heaps of props, you will love this practice.

(bolsters, blankets, blocks - all provided)
F R I D A Y @ 5:30 pm

—  V I N Y A S A  —
All levels flow based practice that will encourage more body awareness by slowing down your transitions and allowing time to steep within the various postures. This class is quite dynamic and perfect for those who wish to enhance their breath connection and learn more about their body through movement.

W E D N E S D A Y @ 6:00 pm
S A T U R D A Y @ 10:00 am

—  A L I G N  —
60 minutes of energetic and physical alignment. Align offers space for inquiry into the nuances of each practice. Perfect for those who wish to cultivate their asana foundation and increase body awareness.

T U E S D A Y @ 6:00 pm